WW2 and History Collection / Awards and Decorations / Countries N / the Netherlands / Bronze Cross (BK) / Recipients 1949 (not complete)

November 24th, 2016

the Netherlands

Bronze Cross / Recipients 1949


Below you can find the the recipients for the Bronze Cross, awarded in the year 1949. The list is not yet complete. Additions are always welcome. Any addition should be accompanied with sufficient proof.
Bronze Cross - BK

Zanen, van, Wim
(the Hague/the Netherlands, December 6th, 1912 -
the Hague/the Netherlands , July 27th, 1993)

June 21st, 1949; Dienstplichtig Grenadier, Regiment Grenadiers
"Has decorated himself in action against the enemy in the early morning of May 10th, 1940, as part of a machine gun company of the defence from the Ypenburg Airfield, during the attack and partly occupation of the airfield by the enemy, while several defending positions were overrun and in the overrun positions several Dutch Military defected the battle, managed to take a firm stand.
After that, despite repeated attempts from the enemy to take over the unoccupied part of the airfield and receiving own artillery and infantry fire and nearby falling bombs from British bombers, under the command of an officer and non-commissioned officer manaing to make a firm stand until in the afternoon of May 11th, with the help of two machine guns with which they managed to control the complete airfield."
(Royal Decree No. 5, Registernr: 2628, Medal presented at the Dumoulin Barracks, Soesterberg on September 14th, 1949
Source: Onderscheidingen, Ministerie van Defensie)
Mobers, F.G.H.
(Valkenburg/the Netherlands, May 31st, 1922 -
Gardena-California/United States, April 24th, 2015)

October 24th, 1949; Korporaal-oorlogsvrijwilliger
"Has decorated himself in action against the enemy on July 22nd, 1947, while serving as commanding officer with a mine-section, when friendly armoured cars had crossed the important Toentang bridge, South of Semarang, jumped out of his vehicle and, while under enemy machine gun fire and mortar fire, cut the trap wires from explosives under the bridge and further, with the help of his men, disabled the explosives."
(Royal Decree No. 64, by recommendation Geheim Litt. E 211, October 6th, 1949)
Asperen Vervenne, van, Leo
(Amersfoort/the Netherlands, October 30th, 1915 -
Apeldoorn/the Netherlands, November 23rd, 2010)

December 9th, 1949; Kapitein
(Royal Decree No. 25, 2783rd Award)
(Source: Dutch Bravery Awards)

Text: Wilco Vermeer
© WW2 History Collection, Wilco Vermeer, 2015 - 2016