WW2 and History Collection / Persons / Countries U / United Kingdom / Stephen
Corner Stephenson Taws
May 23rd, 2016

Stephen Corner Stephenson
Date of Birth:
December 29th, 1896
Place of Birth:
North Shields, England
Date of Death:
March 3rd, 1942
Place of Death:
South of Java
Tower Hill Memorial Panel 29

Tower Hill Memorial, Panel 29 (photo:
Tower Hill, We will remember them)
Stephen Corner Stephenson Taws was the Chief Officer on the s.s.
City of Manchester when the ship sunk on February 28th, 1942. He
died on March 3rd, 1942 of the wounds he receive in this event.
March 28th, 1919:
Temporary Sub-Lieutenant
(Royal Navy)
Second Mate (Merchant Navy)
Chief Officer
(Merchant Navy)
Service Numbers: DA.2744 / 1025564 / 114291
December 30th, 1914
Enlistment Royal Navy Volunteer Reserves
December 30th, 1914
HMS Island Prince
Second Mate s.s. City of Lahore

Chief Officer s.s.
City of Manchester

Bronze Medal for Gallantry in Saving
Life at Sea

Date: March 11th, 1929
Second Mate, s.s. City of Lahore
Citation: "In
recognition of the gallantry
displayed on the 30th October, 1927, in saving the lives of the crew of the
Newfoundland schooner "Selma Creaser," which was in distress in the
Atlantic Ocean.”
Publication: London
Gazette 33476/1748
1939 - 1945 Star Medal

Atlantic Star Medal

War Medal 1939 - 1945

Wilco Vermeer
- The Navy List Corrected to 18th July, 1919
- 1939 - 1945 Campaign Medal Records
- Stephen Corner Stephenson Taws, Ancientfaces
(Retrieved July 8th, 2015)
- The London Gazette, 12th March 1929, Issue 33478,
Page 1748 (Retrieved July 8th, 2015)
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission website (Retrieved May 23rd, 2016)
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