WW2 and History Collection / Awards and Decorations / Countries U / United Kingdom / Distinguished Service Order / Recipients 1944 (not complete)

September 20th, 2016

United Kingdom

Distinguished Service Order (DSO) / Recipients 1944


Below you can find the the recipients for the Disitinguished Service Order, awarded in the year 1944. The list is not yet complete. Additions are always welcome. Any addition should be accompanied with sufficient proof.
Ditsinguished Service Order

Braham, John Randall Daniel (40667)

June 13th, 1944; Acting Wing Commander
"Since being awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order, this officer has taken part in many sorties, including numerous successful attacks on rail targets and on mechanical transport. In air fighting he has destroyed many more enemy aircraft, bringing his victories to at least 29. This officer has displayed the .highest qualities of skill and leadership and his achievements are a splendid testimony to his courage and fighting spirit."
Source: The London Gazette, Issue36560, Page 2813
Calder, Charles Cranston (62699)

June 13th, 1944; Acting Wing Commander, No. 158 Squadron
"This officer has completed a second tour of operations and has displayed the highest qualities of skill and gallantry throughout. He has displayed the greatest determination in pressing home his attacks and has achieved much success. On occasion, in an operation against Frankfurt, 2 engines became unserviceable. In spite of this, Wing Commander Calder flew the aircraft back to this country after cleverly outmanoeuvring a fighter which had closed in to attack. This officer is an efficient and.forceful squadron commander, whose genius for leadership has contributed in good measure to the success of the formation he commands."
Source: The London Gazette, Issue36560, Page 2813
Goodman, Geoffrey Horace (70799)

June 13th, 1944; Acting Wing Commander, No. 151 Squadron
"This officer has commanded the squadron for many months with great success. He is a fine leader whose ability and strong sense of duty have contributed materially to the great fighting spirit of the squadron. Wing Commander Goodman is a most tenacious fighter and has shot down at least 9 enemy aircraft, 3 of them at night. He has set an example of the highest order."
Source: The London Gazette, Issue36560, Page 2813
Heney, Harold Wright Bruce (NZ 39918)

June 13th, 1944; Acting Squadron Leader, No. 582 Squadron
"This officer was the captain of an aircraft detailed to attack Dortmund one night in May, 1944. When over the target area the aircraft caught fire, but Squadron Leader Heney continued his bombing run. 'The flames reached dangerous proportions and became a target for the enemy's defences. Nevertheless, Squadron Leader Heney made an effort to extinguish the flames and, as they subsided, turned for home. One engine was useless but he maintained a steady course and later, although his aircraft sustained more damage in an attack by a fighter, he landed safely at base. This officer has participated in a large number of sorties and has displayed a high degree of skill, courage and devotion to duty."
Source: The London Gazette, Issue36560, Page 2813
Smart, Stanley Lees (124548)

June 13th, 1944; Acting Squadron Leader, No. 149 Squadron
"Since being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross this officer has participated in several sorties and has continued to display the highest standard of skill, bravery and devotion to duty. During a recent operation his aircraft came under considerable light anti-aircraft fire and was struck in the nose and in one of the engines, the rear turret was put out of action and other damage was sustained. In spite of great difficulty, Squadron Leader Smart flew the damaged aircraft to base. His achievement was most commendable. This officer is a most inspiring leader, whose great zeal and fine fighting, qualities have contributed in a large way to the success of the squadron."
Source: The London Gazette, Issue36560, Page 2813

Text: Wilco Vermeer
- WW2Awards
© WW2 History Collection, Wilco Vermeer, 2015 - 2016