WW2 and History Collection / Awards and Decorations / Countries G / German Empire -
German National Socialist Empire / Luftwaffe Honor Goblet / Recipients 1940
September 28th, 2016

3rd Reich
Luftwaffe Honor Goblet / Recipients 1940 |

you can find the the recipients for the Luftwaffe Honor Goblet, awarded in the year 1940. The list is not yet complete.
Additions are always
welcome. Any addition should be accompanied with sufficient proof.
German Cross in Gold |
Schultz, Ludwig
July 8th, 1940; Major
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Mix, Erich
(Labuhnken/West Prussia/Prussia, June 27th, 1898 -
Wiesbaden/Hesse/Germany, April 9th, 1971)
September 5th, 1940; Major, Kommandeur, Jagdgeschwader 2
(Source: Ehrenpokal/Verleihungsurkunde)
Herrmann, Hans-Joachim "Hajo"
September 28th, 1940; Oberleutnant, Staffelkapitän, 7. Staffel, Kampfgeschwader 4
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Gottschalk, Reinhold
October 6th, 1940; Hauptmann, Staffelführer, 1. Staffel, Kampfgeschwader 28
(Source: Ehrenpokal/Verleihungsurkunde)
Heinrich, Otto
October 6th, 1940; Leutnant
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
[of note : not the same as DKiG recipient Otto Heinrich, who was with
Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 and was mentioned in the Ehrenliste der
Deutschen Luftwaffe, for receiving the Ehrenpokal, on 04-05-1942 as
Kämper, Heinrich
October 6th, 1940; Oberfeldwebel
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Ochs, Albrecht Otto Bismarck
October 11th, 1940; Hauptmann; Staffelkapitän 9. Staffel, Jagdgeschwader 3 (from October 1st, formally 3. Ergänzungsstaffel, Jagdgruppe 3)
Date published on the awarding document
Kaufmann, Erich
October 20th, 1940; Major, I. Gruppe, Kampfgeschwader 53
(Source: Verleihungsurkunde)
Beust, Freiherr von, Hans-Henning
October 24th, 1940; Hauptmann, Kommandeur III. Gruppe, Kampfgeschwader 27
(Source: Verleihungsurkunde)
Adolph, Walter
(Fontanelle-Bacau/Romenia, June 11th, 1913 -
Blankenbergen/Belgium, September 18th, 1941)
October 26th, 1940; Hauptmann, Kommandeur II. Gruppe, Jagdgeschwader 26
(Source: Ehrenpokal, awarding was published in the Ehrenliste der Deutschen Luftwaffe on November 13th, 1940)
(Source photo: Andrew Straube via www.Death-Cards.com) |
Döring, Richard
November 4th, 1940; Unteroffizier
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Krüger, Helmuth
November 4th, 1940
(Source: Verleihungsurkunde)
Meier, Fritz
November 4th, 1940; Oberfeldwebel
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Druschel, Alfred
(Bindsachen/Upper Hesse/Germany, February 4th, 1917
Missing during action Bodenplatte/Belgium, January 1st, 1945)
November 30th, 1940;
(Source: Ehrenpokal)
Harmeling, Josef
November 30th, 1940; Oberfeldwebel, 4. (Schlacht) Staffel, Lehrgeschwader 2
(Source: Verleihungsurkunde)
Brans, Hans-Joachim
December 19th, 1940; Oberleutnant
(Source: Ehrenpokal/Verleihungsurkunde
Eckerle, Franz
December 19th, 1940; Oberleutnant, 1. Staffel, Jagdgeschwader 54 "Grünherz"
(Source: Verleihungsurkunde)
Wilco Vermeer
- Patzwall, K.D.; Der Ehrenpokal für besondere Leistung im Luftkrieg,
Studien zur geschichte der Auszeichnungen, Band 6, Verlag Klaus D.
Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2008
- WW2Awards
(Retrieved May 8th, 2015)
© WW2 History Collection, Wilco Vermeer, 2015 - 2016
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